
Using Metrics to Make Better Products

Using Metrics to Make Better Products Cover


Understanding and tracking the right metrics is crucial for any one looking to make smart data-driven decisions about growth and create better products loved by customers.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of metrics, how to choose the right metrics for your business, and how to track and use them to improve your product.

Why Metrics Are Important

Metrics are essentially tools for measuring how well your business is doing, they reveal both areas of success and those in need of attention. When employed effectively, metrics serve as early indicators of performance, allowing you to swiftly adapt to what’s effective and address what’s not. These numerical indicators provide insights into various aspects of your product’s performance, such as:

  • Daily or monthly active users (DAU and MAU)
  • Click rates on new features
  • Conversion rates from visitors to paying customers
Monitoring these metrics can help you:
  • Understand user behavior
  • Evaluate the success of new features
  • Make informed decisions about future developments
  • Identify growth opportunities
  • Demonstrate progress to stakeholders

Metrics, if used well, can show you what’s going right and what needs fixing. When used really well, they give you clues about how to make things better and solve problems quickly. They also help you compare or “benchmark” your performance against competitors or how you’ve done in the past.

Choosing the Right Metrics for Your Business

With lots of metrics to choose from, it’s important to pick the ones that match your product’s goals. Think about keeping an eye on these main metrics:

  • Daily and monthly active users (DAU and MAU)
  • Feature usage data
  • Conversion rates through the marketing and sales funnel
  • Customer retention and churn rates
  • Average revenue per user (ARPU)

These numbers give you a good overall picture of how engaged users are, how your product is growing, and how financially successful it is.

Tracking Your Metrics

Once you’ve identified the key metrics, you’ll need an efficient way to collect and analyze the data. Manual tracking is prone to errors and time-consuming. Instead, use metrics tracking software to:

  • Automate data collection
  • Provide real-time updates
  • Display trends through charts and graphs
  • Allow team-wide access to a shared dashboard

Using Metrics to Improve

The most important step is to act upon the knowledge you’ve gathered from your metrics to improve your product. It’s not just about watching the numbers but using them to come up with ideas and then testing various changes to your product through experiments and making adjustments. You can:

  1. Analyze User Engagement Metrics:

    • Monitor DAU/MAU, session length, bounce rate, etc.
    • Investigate drop-offs or declines to understand underlying issues.
    • Improve user sign-ups if the activation rate is low.
    • Identify areas for improvement in usability, content, or features.
  2. Identify High-Value User Flows:

    • Track user flows and funnels to pinpoint where users encounter friction or drop off.
    • Optimize critical paths to improve conversion rates and user satisfaction.
  3. A/B Test New Features:

    • Conduct A/B tests to assess the impact of new features on user engagement.
    • Compare metrics like adoption rate, engagement, and retention between test groups.
    • Develop new features based on user needs.
  4. Monitor Performance Metrics:

    • Track technical metrics such as page load times, app startup times, and crash rates.
    • Prioritize optimization efforts for pages or flows with poor performance metrics.
  5. Study Retention & Churn:

    • Calculate user retention rates and churn rates to gauge user loyalty.
    • Analyze usage behavior of churned users to identify areas for improvement.
    • Update or remove underused features.
  6. Gather Qualitative Feedback:

    • Supplement quantitative metrics with qualitative insights from user interviews, surveys, etc.
    • Understand the “why” behind the numbers to inform improvement strategies.
  7. Benchmark Against Competitors:

    • Compare key metrics against industry benchmarks or competitors.
    • Identify areas of strength and weakness to set realistic goals and prioritize improvements.
    • Allocate resources to successful growth areas.
  8. Goal-Specific Tracking:

    • Define and track metrics aligned with specific product goals (e.g., increasing subscriptions, social shares).
    • Continuously optimize for these goals to enhance overall user engagement.
    • Set and achieve specific performance goals.

By incorporating these strategies you can improve how you optimize user engagement and boost growth for your product. Regularly looking at and understanding your metrics is crucial for constantly making your product better.


Paying close attention to the right metrics allows you to make informed decisions and continuously improve your product. You get a good idea of how well your product is doing. With that knowledge, you can make clever choices about what to improve, what to work on next, and where to put your energy. Metrics are a strong way to help your product succeed.

Transform the way you track metrics and improve your product’s performance with SaasHound. Get started for free today and experience the ease of monitoring and analyzing metrics tailored to your product’s needs for sustainable growth and success.